

verb \ˈfir\

: to be afraid of (something or someone)

: to expect or worry about (something bad or unpleasant)

: to be afraid and worried

Full Definition of FEAR

transitive verb
archaic :  frighten
archaic :  to feel fear in (oneself)
:  to have a reverential awe of <fear God>
:  to be afraid of :  expect with alarm <fear the worst>
intransitive verb
:  to be afraid or apprehensive <feared for their lives>
fear·er noun

Origin of FEAR

Middle English feren, from Old English ̄ran, from ̄r
First Known Use: before 12th century



: an unpleasant emotion caused by being aware of danger : a feeling of being afraid

: a feeling of respect and wonder for something very powerful

Full Definition of FEAR

a :  an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger
b (1) :  an instance of this emotion
(2) :  a state marked by this emotion
:  anxious concern :  solicitude
:  profound reverence and awe especially toward God
:  reason for alarm :  danger

Origin of FEAR

Middle English fer, from Old English ̄r sudden danger; akin to Old High German fāra ambush and perhaps to Latin periculum attempt, peril, Greek peiran to attempt
First Known Use: 12th century

Synonym Discussion of FEAR

fear, dread, fright, alarm, panic, terror, trepidation mean painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger. fear is the most general term and implies anxiety and usually loss of courage <fear of the unknown>. dread usually adds the idea of intense reluctance to face or meet a person or situation and suggests aversion as well as anxiety <faced the meeting with dread>. fright implies the shock of sudden, startling fear <fright at being awakened suddenly>. alarm suggests a sudden and intense awareness of immediate danger <view the situation with alarm>. panic implies unreasoning and overmastering fear causing hysterical activity <the news caused widespread panic>. terror implies the most extreme degree of fear <immobilized with terror>. trepidation adds to dread the implications of timidity, trembling, and hesitation <raised the subject with trepidation>.

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FEAR[1] Defined for Kids


verb \ˈfir\

Definition of FEAR for Kids

:  to be afraid of :  feel fear



Definition of FEAR for Kids

:  a strong unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger or expecting something bad to happen
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈfi(ə)r\

Medical Definition of FEAR

:  an unpleasant often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger and accompanied by increased autonomic activity
:  an instance of fear
fear verb


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